
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Census on Beggars, Prostitutes & Housewives

In the Census of 2011, wise people of Indian establishment have decided to equate 36 crore housewives (who are also called homemakers) with beggars and prostitutes, highlighting extreme insensitivity of the government to a family and social institution. Likewise I would suggest males and eunuchs also should be clubbed in this list. 

Policy makers feel that household duties like cooking, cleaning of utensils, bearing and then looking after children, fetching water and collecting firewood etc. are economically unproductive. How can anyone serving for more than 12 hours a day without formal payment be an "economic burden to society"? If it was not for housewives, our society (for that matter all societies) would have degraded long ago. We just need to look at societies of the western world and consider their divorce - statistics and the care that the children in their families are getting- we will then understand the value of housewives.

It may appear downgrading to housewives to be put in the company of beggars and prisoners and prostitutes but actually it’s a realistic pointer to the status of women in our male dominated society. 

A woman, who actually enjoys the facility of a prisoner at home, really deserves this status. You go to any lower class family and you can see women begging for few pennies to purchase basic necessities for her home and children. You might have seen many women begging at the God’s feet to grant her a son. Whether it’s a boy or a girl, the credit goes to husband. A woman can bear half a dozen children but her name would be anonymous and a child always takes father’s name. That is why wise people say that ‘beggars can’t be choosers’.

In our whole social system chooser’s responsibility has always been unsurpassed by men. Women have been rightly relieved by this responsibility presumably because they don’t have any capacity to select or choose. It always falls in the male’s dominion. If establishment is a little broad minded it would put men in the category of a brainy animal but did not dare to do so for they could not assess what height this special species would attain in our parliamentary democracy. 

I thank the honorable judges for this sharp observation and reprimanding people who think they are "moving forward" and the rest are "retrograde".

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